Tuesday, April 27, 2010

battle of the sexes

battle of the sexes, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

Battle of the Sexes

April 28, 2010 ~~ 6pm slt

He mocked her for being a female dj. Taunting her during her set... saying,
'Woman can't possibly be as good a dj as a man!"

Was he flirting? Was he just intimidated by her mixes & powerful material. No one knows, except that he crossed the line & touched a raw nerve... setting off a fire storm in the virtual world's music scene.

Now, the Diva herself, DJane Jasminx Saenz settles this score... calling out to chauvinist DJ Trebor Renfew... you've been served! And with that...

Let the Battle of the Sexes begin!

Special guest referee: Init Hubble

Presented by : Digital Nation
Thanks to Digital Francis