Saturday, July 18, 2009

sao tokyoska at house beach club

sao tokyoska

Beautiful day today! Blue skies and it's warm outside. I'm not sure which one of us got the tp first, but we both said, "SAO!" at the same time.

house beach club

dj sao tokyoska at house beach...

DJ SAO Tokyoska is a favorite dj. I first saw and heard him at Dance Island. He was incredible. So I started keeping an eye out for his name.

xavier, raftwet at house beach...

Last night, another dj was talking about Sao in chat... the other dj said he had just witnessed the best set he ever heard in his life with a four hour set of Sao's.

house beach club

We came to hear him today over at House Beach Club. We saw club owner, Luna Baran on site, too. I love when club owners hang out with the patrons... hands on, I say. A friendly face with a welcome, she presents DJ Sao Tokyoska in a beautiful ocean front setting. Yah... I never know what he will spin, but it's always sooooo tight. Yummy.

artists at starz art corner

artists at starz art corner, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

StarZ33 McCullough

starz art corner

My little brother Ronnie has great taste in music and women. He introduced me to Max Kleene and he also introduced me to StarZ33 McCullough.

starz art work

StarZ33 McCullough art

starz art corner

StarZ Art Corner is a delightful outdoor gallery featuring many new and seasoned artists from the virtual world of Second Life. Some are real life artists, too bringing their art to the grid.

starz art corner

starz art walk

StarZ is also a real life photographer and you can find her work here. She paints, she draws... her passion is art and her encouragement to other artists is a testament to her love of art.