Sunday, June 21, 2009

stefan chrousch

stefan chrousch, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

::DICA::ACID:: in virtual worl...

dica acid poster

Sunday morning and building rails at WETLands... I gotta make sure an avi isn't going to fall into the water. LOL!

party people at dica acid

Stefan Chrousch from Electro Tech Group sent out a shout in The A List! I got there just in time to hear the last bit of Kemmi Kamachi's set.

dica acid party

Dica Acid club is a junkyard build with blood stained couches, trash strewn debris and a silty white mess scattered across the floor... giggles, and the gang was all here.

rafee at dica acid

I saw Queen from the Underground, Renanyoy Oh, Ionic Benton, jade222 Jewell, Thrill McMillan, Clastix Enzo, Seismo Glanz, phriek Haggwood and many others.

dj stefan chrousch party

Fun, fun, fun at Stefan's party! (shhh I didn't hear any ABBA!)