Saturday, November 28, 2009

nina brandenberg jazz singer in second life

We both love jazz and to hear it live is even a bigger treat. Second Life is probably the best venue in the world to hear live music from all corners of the world.

nina brandenburg at the savoy

the savoy jazz club in second life

Tonight, we dropped off at The Savoy to hear Nina Brandenburg singing a jazz set of great classics. From Frank Sinatra to Cole Porter, her range is beautifully designed for these classic jazz songs.

the savoy jazz club virtual world second life

crighton johin of the savoy

We also saw Crighton Johin, owner of The Savoy dancing on the floor, too! What a great way to spend our Saturday evening with the classics of jazz.

raftwet, xavier at the savoy in second life

kylie wiefel virtual world second life at scoutlounge

Clubbing on Saturday after the big Thanksgiving extravangaza means that we chill a bit. Exhausted from partying and eating! LOL!

scoutlounge party in second life

Scoutlounge is re-doing their sim, but the skyhigh lounge is still going strong while the builders work their magic.

rafee, xavi at scoutlounge

raftwet, xavier at scoutlounge in second life

DJ Kylie Wiefel was spinning a nice set perfect for the after holidays crowd. Always great dj's at this house club and I even spied dj ArageddoTox Raymaker dancing on the dance floor. Woot!