Wednesday, September 1, 2010

GOHA Hockey at Chamonix City

GOHA Hockey at Chamonix City, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

GOHA ice hockey at chamonix city

Puckettes at GOHA event at Chamonix City

GOHA cobra player at Chamonix City
Not only does Second Life address the needs of the arts community, education and the military, but the grid also supports both team sports and extreme sports.

virtual team sports GOHA

Most of us have watched the surfers, skiers, and skateboarders in Second Life. But, have you watched a soccer game or a football game or an ice hockey game?

cobra hockey fan at chamonix city

Chamonix City opened several sims featuring winter sports that include not only skating, sledding, etc, but also, the GOHA, Global Online Hockey Association.

Ice Hockey rink at Chamonix City

With much fanfare, Chamonix City opened over several days with many events that included live music by The Follow and other live musicians, and a full sports store featuring freebies from your favorite hockey team!

Live Music at Chamonix City opening

chamonix city live music & team sports

I am going to make a point to put these sports events on my SL calendar. How fun to watch a fully scripted game, wear my fav team's sweatshirt and cheer on my favorite players! GOHA! Goooo team go!