Thursday, September 17, 2009

sao tokyoska at dance island

sao tokyoska at dance island, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

dj sao tokyoska at dance islan...

I said it before, that the reason I love Second Life so much is the fun. And the fun never ends at Dance Island, the 24/7 party zone.

dance island 24/7 party zone

Deirdre Masala was there hanging out greeting everyone. Shake Shake Shake, she parties just like us.

deirdre masala owner dance isl...

deirdre masala shake shake sha...

deirdre masala at dance island

dance island at night

DJ SAO Tokyoska was spinning a monsterous set beyond belief. Gawd, he is one of my very favorite dj's. The dude can spin anything and everything. He's totally live!

rafee, deirdre, xavi at dance ...

dance island dance ball

nebulosus' bunnyken avatars in second life

nebulosus' bunnyken avatars in second life, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

second life avatars on pogo st...

rafee, aoshi at Bisque River

hase klaar party at nicos hom...



No meaning.

Just fun.

Nebulosus' Bunnyken is meant to be.

nebulosus bunnykens at nuclea...

Nuclear Winter with Mr Widget...

Nico's Home with Hase Klaar...

it's all good.

Nicos Star Gift : dj Hase Kla...

xavier, raftwet at Nicos Home