Friday, October 2, 2009

liqwid lancaster

liqwid lancaster, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

bassline island main stage

dj liqwid lancaster dnb at bas...

liqwid lancaster at bassline i...

King Kong has arrived! BassLine Island's main stage was vibrating hard with Liqwid Lancaster spinning his DnB set.

rafee, xavi at bassline island...

The gang was all here to chill with the beats. Nice Friday tuneage!

rafee, xavi at bassline island

bassline junkiez

20seal radikal

20seal radikal, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

dj 20seal radikal party at boo...

pink at boom festival

A brief stopover turned into a set with dj 20Seal Radikal over at the Boom Festival.

dj 20seal radikal party at boo...

boom festival party

Colors were pulsating and the tunes were mesmerizing. We stayed for a bit and chilled to the tunes.

dj20seal radikal at boom festi...

boom festival in second life

boom festival

dj pete westminster at the london warehouse

Traveling back into time, I caught up with an old dj friend, Pete Westminster, aka dj Barbarick! I also saw Jesse Sands, another owner of this club, The London Warehouse.

rafee at the london warehouse ...

dj pete westminster party at t...

He and others have a new club called The London Warehouse. The place is hopping with dj spins of all kinds. Go check out Pete at this club for his brand of trance and more!

jesse sands at the london ware...

raftwet at the london warehous...

the outland underground party in second life

Fridaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!! Woot! Finally!

rafee at dj calrek nansen part...
I start my evening with dj Calrek Nansen spinning a nice set of minimal, electro tech, scratchiness just to get the night started.

the outland : underground

the outland club posters : joh...

calrek nansen party at the out...

the outland posters : psycho

The Outland place is packed and I see oldie avis here partying it up a bit, too. The evening gets longer as the daylight shortens... time to party peeps!

raftwet at the outland party w...