Tuesday, October 13, 2009

jakes club resort disco night

jakes club resort disco night, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

jakes club resort in second l...

jakes team at jakes club reso...

syriana paine in second life

I heard the strains of the violins and that distinct voice of... Donna Summer! OMG! It's disco night with dj Syriana Paine at Jake's Club Resort!

syriana paine virtual world se...

dj syriana paine at jakes club...

dj syriana paine at jakes club...

disco night with dj syriana at...

Above the mall area, floated an egg shape club replete with disco floor! Woot!

disco night at jakes club reso...

JakeC Hotshot and Baz Ceawlin were holding court among the rest of us as we followed Syriana's soaring tunes into disco heaven... soooo fun!

baz and jakec at dj syriana pa...

jakec hotshot from jakes club ...

And don't forget to put Jake's Club Resort on your holiday shopping list. A great mall of your favorite shops will be found there. Happy partying and shopping peeps!

justine perenti dancing at her club HOME in Second Life

Rainy day in Northern California just screams for a party. DJ Grip Talon was spinning a set over at Justine Perenti's HOME club.

justine perenti of HOME club i...

dj Grip Talon party at HOME


For a small club, Justine packs them in! There were so many people there that it took forever for anything to rezz. Thus, my gray avis in the pics.

HOME friends party in Second L...

HOME in Second Life

HOME is an old club that's been around for a long time. There's a reason for that. Justine has brought the best dj's and the good friends to gather at her ... ahem... HOME! Woot!

clairede dirval at Ka-Leo-Lani

clairede dirval at Kai-Lei-Lani, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

clairede dirval : live music

It's pouring rain in Northern California today. A perfect day to just snuggle in a blanket w/ my angel and party online. Hmmm... I see a lot of music online today!!! Perfect!

Ka-Leo-Lani Beach Club

Clairede Dirval was doing a concert at Ka-Leo-Lani Beach Club. Clairede is one of my fav singers. Voice so throaty, sexy and full of passion, her songs just lift you up, up, up!

xavier, raftwet at Ka-Leo-Lani...

Live music is a great way for any avi to spend time here on the grid. The depth and professionalism of the musicians are now a given. We are so lucky to have so many great live musicians in Second Life.

space grelling in second life

space grelling in second life, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

spaced actor at indie rock

It's been an incredible busy few months with The A List! group. Now, it's time to enjoy our member's best music and venues for parties!

indie rock party in second lif...

Today, we came to visit Space Grelling at his club Indie Rock. Set near the beach, the club is an open venue. Firey yellow and orange glow highlight the vinyl record flooor.

the a list at space grelling p...

raftwet, xavier at indie rock ...

Space Grelling is one of the best indie dj's on the grid. His catalogue is huge, and he plays almost all new music with a nod to the old alternate tunes, too! We so appreciate Space's incredible support of our group and it's members. (Big up to Space and his crew at Indie Rock... luvsya!) 2010 here we goooooo!

indie rock in second life