Wednesday, April 14, 2010

bassline island in second life

bassline island in second life, originally uploaded by rafeejewell.

bassline junkiez group in second life

podcast at bassline island

I can't sleep and the wrist hurts from building. I'm practicing with 2.0 and sometimes it's confusing.

open stage at bassline island

computing on the beach at bassline

I need a chill break, so I popped over to BassLine Island's Open Stage for a bit of dub and dnb. DJ Danxx Cluny was spinning a nice set.

raftwet at bassline's open stage

raftwet at open stage party at bassline

raftwet jewell at bassline island

I saw Eon in busy mode as usual along with DJSven and Jamadagni dancing at the party. Cool tunes on a chill evening.