For gifts, we suggest that you stay with the jewelry or hobby gift. Clothes and other accessories may be troublesome due to transfer issue, so if you do clothes, accessories, then definitely consider the metacard or gift card for the purchase. Let them choose! Just make sure you check all gifts for transfer perms!

Valentine Gifts!:::
RAVERZ Stylez for the raver on the go; particles, rave attachments and clothing.
RaveLong dj accessories and metacard info; speakers, dance floor, etc.
LOLO Pets cutest virtual pets, animals, zoo and fashion accessories.
FX Particles Neil's particle store on Bisque; poofers, rain, sparkles, sculpty art.
Armidi fine clothing for men and women; European influence; hair, clothes and accessories.
Muism women's and men's clothing and accessories; skins, tatoos, hair.
WET Love Cakes for all occasions; love, valentine, birthday, special event, desserts.
Jador Fashion a one-stop shopping hub for the best clothing and designers on the grid; clothes, accesories and jewelery.
Bianca Foulon my favorite designer is on Velvet! (darn... now everyone knows...)
FKNY great store for gifts for both men and women; sunglasses, fashion accessories, clothes, hair, eyes & skin.
Full on Love Fest!:::
Gardens of Apollo One of the most romantic places in all of Second Life!
Sphynx Jazz Sexy tunes in a sophisticated, romantic setting; Jen Noel spins here!
Avilion Ballroom Classic ballroom setting with a long reputation for romance and love.
Tempura Island Beautiful ballroom is the highlight of this gorgeous sim; cuddle, dinner for two, private rooms, exploration.
Phatland Jazzy contemporary tunes enrich this club to a premium level for romantic interludes.
The Palace A magnificent, palatial build with a romantic ballroom; slow dance, architecture and more.
Bubbly Ballroom A beautiful ballroom with dinner for two on the upper levels; music stream and live music is featured here.
Emerging Romance!:::
Garden of Dreams God is present here at the gardens; chill zone, river, cuddle, pose ball, picnic blankets in a serene natural setting.
SL Botanical Gardens My inspiration for all things water and nature in Second Life; still surprises and inspires.
Fair Chang Expo Live music, jazz, flamenco and dinner for two are featured at this lovely ballroom.
Phantom Rose Opera Old world elegance lends a beautiful touch to the opera house veranda overlooking the lake. Romantic operatic selections for the sophisticated musical ear.
Cuddler's Cove Beach scene with love and live music; cuddling, pose balls, ocean, beach and friendly, comfortable atmosphere.
Bella Vida Shop and dance to dj Jen Noel and dj Angelsmoon Jewell; Bliss Couture, shopping, jewelery, ballroom and world music.
Kaiya Islands A beautiful, natural island setting for lovers and friends; live music is featured regularly here.
Good Friends!:::
Zero Point Sabine Stonebender's immersive art vision; premier build in Second Life, inspiring and moving.
Inspire Space Park A hang-out for astronomical fantasies; zen-like meditation areas, chat and chill zones, music and dancing, shopping; very well-known and usually filled with avies.
Virtual Starry Night A romantic art space that pays homage to the great artist, Vincent Van Gogh; virtual 3D paintings.
SVARGA An old sim of supreme inspiration for builders; mysterious, dark and ancient; balloon ride tour.
Bliss Gardens A collection of retail sims but absolutely gorgeous to just chill; waterfalls, rivers, streams, trees, cuddle and shopping.
Brooklyn is Watching An interactive art sim for SL artists to show-off their stuff; amazing collection of artists and artwork; highly recommended.
Surfing Heather shows her wares at this surf sim; rent a board and give it a try, shopping available here, too.
Ivory Tower of Primitives Divine inspiration for builders; incredible, meticulously built structure (no sculptys or textures... all prims)
Happy V week people! Now get out there and go shopping and plan for that romantic day or evening on Valentine's!
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